Snitch Summary :In the fast-paced action thriller SNITCH, Dwayne Johnson stars as a father whose teenage son is wrongly accused of a drug distribution crime and is looking at a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 10 years. Desperate and determined to rescue his son at all costs, he makes a deal with the U.S. attorney to work as an undercover informant and infiltrate a drug cartel on a dangerous mission -- risking everything, including his family and his own life. (c) Summit PG-13 Release Date Snitch Feb 22, 2013 Wide If You Like this movie you can streaming Snitch movie without downloading HERE
User Ranting Movie Snitch : 3.8 All Critics Ranting For Snitch : 5.6 All Critics Count For Snitch : 117 All Critics Percentage For Snitch : 58 % User Percentage For Snitch : 71 % User Count Like for Snitch : 19,163
On a beautiful college campus, something ugly is about to be spread around. A bit of gossip that was told is starting to take a frightening turn. Who could it have offended and how far will the person on the other side of the gossip handle the embarrassing situation.
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